Glossitis is typically characterized by an inflammation of the tongue. It can also cause changes in the tongue's texture and color.
Glossitis is typically characterized by an inflammation of the tongue. It can also cause changes in the tongue's texture and color.
Braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that orthodontists use to help correct overcrowded or crooked teeth. Braces can also help correct an overbite. People who are getting braces soon or are considering them may wonder whether they hurt.
Please be advised that we have moved locations. Don’t worry we are still located in the Gateway complexes. You can find us at Gateway Complex 3 on the ground floor next to Wild Orange Spa.
Our New Address is
We look forward to treating you in our brand new dental clinic. Where we will continue to provide excellent dental care for of our patients.
United Dentists
Dr. Jay Son & Dr. Mike Hira