Here are some interesting facts about teeth whitening. For more information contact us at United Dentists; we are always here to help!
1. Your teeth are like sponges…they absorb.
Your teeth have pores just like your skin or a sponge. Anything you put in your mouth that has color will absorb into those pores. Wine, coffee, dark berries, and smoking are extremely active in staining teeth. Over time, the natural color of your teeth becomes darker due to these stains. These stains will never go away unless you actively remove them. Properly formulated teeth whitening gel works by absorbing into your teeth and gently pushing stains out through the pores.

2. Teeth whitening does not damage your teeth.

3. The key to teeth whitening is the delivery device.

4. Sensitivity after teeth whitening is normal.

5. Laser or UV light teeth whitening is temporary.
Ultra-violet (UV) light is a frequency of light that works by accelerating the whitening gel to act faster. This process is FDA regulated and only offered under dentist supervision. Although it does whiten very quickly, it is not an option for people with sensitive teeth. Further, the results are temporary and must still be maintained (often with custom-fitted whitening trays or repeat dental visits). The process is incredibly expensive and time consuming.
Blue LED lights sold by “overnight teeth whitening companies” do nothing. The light is simply a blue color but does not create ultra-violet (UV) light frequency. Gel does not act any faster with a blue LED light than it does by itself.

6. Stains on teeth cannot be removed overnight.

7. Caps and veneers cannot be whitened

8. The best time to whiten your teeth is just before bed